Fitra Arie Site

Activities Support by Notion

A month ago I present weekly sharing session, same as the previous story what i've been told in my current office every week is a sharing session. Previously, in part I we are sharing about technology topic. Sharing session in part II everyone can sharing about anything whether it's a hobby, daily activities in pandemic era until a food place in their city. On this occasion I shared about “Activities Support by Notion”, the last few months I really like learning about notion.
List of that I share about the topic:
  1. What is Notion?
  1. Role support in Notion
  1. Example Activities
  1. Self-activities using Notion
  1. Notion ecosystem support

What is Notion

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Role support in Notion

There are several roles that have been supported by notion, according to the template that notion provides, including: Personal, Product & Design, Engineering, Marketing, Student and others.
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Example Activities

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Self-activities using Notion

Personal Task
Personal Task
Team Wiki
Team Wiki
Product Knowledge
Product Knowledge
List Applicant
List Applicant
Vacation Plan
Vacation Plan
Project Wiki
Project Wiki
Personal Website
Personal Website

Notion ecosystem support

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That's my experience about using notion, maybe it can help anyone to start using notion for anything activities because many template or features can help many activites.

Ps: presentation template I use from figma community 🥳
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