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Create a landing page with ChatGPT and Webflow

Lately, I've been exploring visual design by creating dummy landing pages or MVP apps. However, I often find myself struggling or getting stuck when thinking about what content to include on the landing page or app, which leads to me abandoning the project altogether. A few months ago, I came across a platform that made headlines and was buzzing on social media. It's a platform that helps you find anything related to your given keyword without having to summarize it yourself. The platform is called ChatGPT. For this project, I decided to use ChatGPT to help me create content for a landing page about a warranty app.
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Create a landing page structure

First of all, Before designing a landing page, it's important to create a clear structure to understand which sections to include. This will help ensure the landing page is well-organized and clear communicates to the target audience.
ChatGPT - Information Architecture
ChatGPT - Information Architecture
After the ChatGPT give some information architecture, I choose Header, Hero, Benefit, Testimonial, Call To Action, and Footer that will be created and implemented to this landing page.

Create a hero, headline and sub-headline content

Based on the information architecture, continue to generate some suggestion to create a headline and sub-headline as required.
ChatGPT - Headline and Subheadline
ChatGPT - Headline and Subheadline
I tweak the ChatGPT suggestion to ensure the more friendly content in several section.
Hero Section
Hero Section

Create a benefit section & call to action content

I continue to generate some suggestion to create a benefit and call to action content.
ChatGPT - Hero Content
ChatGPT - Hero Content
I tweak the ChatGPT suggestion to ensure the more friendly content in benefit and call to action section.
Benefit section
Benefit section
Call to Action Section
Call to Action Section

Create a dummy testimonial content

Sometimes to create a dummy testimonial content is hard because we’re make sure how the customer tone voice. I use ChatGPT and get some suggestion for testimonial content.
ChatGPT - Testimonial
ChatGPT - Testimonial
Then, I use the ChatGPT suggestion and request to the more friendly content in testimonial section and tweak it to create more friendly testimonial and use the character as required.
Testimonial Section
Testimonial Section

Build it with webflow

After designing landing page in figma, I continue to implement and development the landing page with webflow, see to check the detail.
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Collaborating with multiple tools can be a great way the landing page creation process and make it more efficient. ChatGPT can provide helpful suggestions for the content, Figma can help design, and Webflow can make development. However, it's important to note that for larger projects, it's often best to have team members with specialized roles to ensure the highest level of quality and efficiency. There is to be a valuable experience for learning and sharpen skills with multiple tools.
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